💡 Once there is transparency, the team needs to inspect the information at hand frequently to make adjustments to their work. Inspection is just one side of the puzzle, as, without adaptation, inspection is a waste of time.
How do we inspect during each Scrum Event? #
Sprint Planning #
The team inspects their progress to date towards the Product Goal and the current Product Backlog. They inspect their Definition of Done as it gives a better understanding of the work to be done. They inspect the Product Backlog items that they want to bring into the next Sprint.
Daily Scrum #
Developers inspect progress towards the Sprint Goal since the previous Daily Scrum. They inspect impediments that have been identified and their tasks.
Sprint Review #
The team and stakeholders inspect the Increment created during the Sprint and how it contributed to the progress toward the Product Goal. They inspect the current Product Backlog, its order, and potential items that may be taken into the next Sprint to work on. The team inspects stakeholders’ feedback about the Increment.
Sprint Retrospective #
The team inspects how the last Sprint went. They inspect how effective they are when it comes to their interactions within the team and with people outside of the team, their tools and processes, their communication and relationships. They may also inspect the quality of the product through their Definition of Done.