Setting Great Goals is a Skill šŸŽ„

Having a Product Goal and a Sprint Goal is essential to gain the full benefits of the Scrum framework. However, when we are just starting out, it seems like an impossible task. The team is struggling to come up with a single goal, or a goal that would not sound like “complete everything”.

In my latest video, I discuss why it is hard to set great goals, or any goals at all, and what steps you can take to help your team be more successful.

If you are looking for specific tools that can help you with goals, check my last blog post 5 tools to help create Product and Sprint Goals.

Creating Goals is a Skill

The most important point I would like to make is that creating good goals is a skill. To become better you need to practice.

So when your team is just starting out with Scrum, they will struggle to create Product and Sprint Goals. But not all is lost. Keep trying. Keep practicing. Keep improving.

Everybody on the team needs to look at creating goals as a skill. A skill they need to develop in order to succeed with Scrum.

The Scrum Master’s role is to support the team and the organization in the implementation of Scrum. If your team is struggling with setting goals, you need to bring useful tools and opportunities to learn and improve.

To help you with this I have been working hard this month to prepare a workshop on Product & Sprint Goals for Scrum Teams. It can help you teach your team how to define great goal, and set the foundation for the team’s Product Goal and Sprint Goals.

The workshop covers the most important topics the team needs to master to succeed with setting great goals and develop the skill.

Through exercises, the team learns essential concepts about goals in Scrum, then practices creating Sprint Goals. The workshop ends with the team creating their Product Goal and planning a few Sprint Goals that might make sense in the future.

Grab a copy of the facilitation guide and teach your team everything they need to know about Product & Sprint Goals.

All of my workshop materials come with handy templates for online delivery, a step-by-step guide with concrete examples and exercises. Run awesome workshops stress-free and wow the audience with your facilitation skills!

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About the author

Hi, my name is Daria Bagina. Iā€™m a Professional Scrum Trainer with and a experience Agile leader. I help teams and organizations to get the most out of the Scrum and Agile implementation by sharing my personal stories and practical advice.

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