Have you ever noticed your team making assumptions on what the role of a Scrum Master is that do not align with your vision?
During my Scrum-mastering years, I have seen it many times: teams and organizations have surprising expectations of Scrum Masters that have nothing to do with their actual job.
If you want to know, how to eliminate (or at least reduce) this from the moment you step into a new team, watch this video.
I will share a three step process that will help you set things straight from the get-go. I have learned it the hard way; spare yourself some time and nerve cells by learning from my mistakes.
Tell me more about your experiences with setting expectations on your team.
Have you ever had a sit down with your team to talk about your role?
What would you tell them to help them understand what you will be doing as a Scrum Master on their team?
Leave your answers in the comments below – each experience is uniquely valuable. Let’s learn from each other.